Here’s a visual overview of all UIKeyboardTypes as of iOS 12, including some alternatives for keyboards with non-ASCII numbers, like Hindi.
UIKeyboardTypeDefault (.default)
UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable (.asciiCapable)
UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation (.numbersAndPunctuation)
UIKeyboardTypeURL (.URL)
UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad (.numberPad)
UIKeyboardTypePhonePad (.phonePad)
UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad (.namePhonePad)
UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress (.emailAddress)
UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad (.decimalPad)
UIKeyboardTypeWebSearch (.webSearch)
UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapableNumberPad (.asciiCapableNumberPad)
I was able to attend WWDC this year and had a chance to talk to Apple engineers about a few issues I’ve been dealing with.